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Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일1분 분량
Face + Book = facebook.
Face + Book = facebook. That's how hashtag#FaceBookKorea decorates one of the bright sides in their office. 'Face' means a Korean...

Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일1분 분량
Adults of 20~40s are driving the console market in Korea.
According to the national statistic office, 95% of the population holds a smartphone in Korea. Such a reason, playing mobile games is...

Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일1분 분량
Staying home tendency growing again?
Rate of people who like to stay home for their spare time is growing again. There was a similar tendency or short trend for some years...

Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일1분 분량
Direct Research Korea Fieldwork Capability
Thank you all dear clients! We are reaching to the year-end. We like to share some of our 2019 FW pictures. #korea #marketresearch...

Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일1분 분량
Good news for MMO RPG players
NC soft, a Korean game developer, revealed its in-house cross-platform 'purple'. It enables gamers to play 'Lineage Mobile 2' ...

Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일1분 분량
Korean household needs more fridge store
Korean people don't eat kimchi as much as we used to, but 'kimchi fridge' sales keep increasing. Consumers see the fridge as alternative...

Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일1분 분량
Clean imported food sales increasing in Korea
The concern for clean food keeps increasing in Korea, particularly in the seafood sector since Japan and N.Korea release radioactive...

Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일1분 분량
Would you need an electronic kickboard in your trunk?
Hyundai-Kia will have foldable electric kickboard as an option from Y2021. Drivers may keep this in the car trunk and it will...

Jay Ahn
2021년 7월 8일2분 분량
Korean Millennials: Summer sports change in Korea
One more tip for Korean Millennials.
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