Telecommuting becomes the majority communication method during the COVID-19. The proportion of office workers working for companies that have adopted telecommuting amounts to 26.5 percent, up sharply from a year earlier. The actual number of office workers working at a company that is implementing telecommuting also increased significantly, accounting for 82.6 percent. However, there is a difference between ages in the work environment due to telecommuting.

The opinion that telecommuting reduces the concentration of work is higher in 4050 than in 2030 (41.9%, 34.8%, 51.5%, and 56.5% respectively). Major reasons were decreased concentration due to “the non-separation of workspace and privacy space," "less tension than the company," and "difficulty in communication." What needs to be noted here is communication. As telecommuting spreads rapidly, there are many variables in the work environment such as communication, and interest in work tools such as messenger and video conferencing is increasing.

‘KakaoTalk’ and the company's own messengers were the highest (41.3% and 19.1% respectively) among the work messengers they wanted to use in the future. What's interesting is that there's a generational difference here. The higher the age group, the higher the percentage of people choosing ‘KakaoTalk’ as a business messenger they want to use in the future, and the lower the age group, the higher the percentage of people choosing their own messengers. Why is there a generational temperature difference for work messengers that you want to use in the future?
A hint can be found in the results of the 'Stress on the Use of Personal Messenger' survey. ‘Kakao Talk’ is a great advantage, but it is a personal messenger service to personal messenger service. Therefore, the younger the age group, the higher the opinion that ‘Kakao Talk’ is used for work and stressed. Generation Z and millennials account for 54.2% and 55.4%, respectively. On the other hand, the more generation X and baby boomers, the less stressed they are (40.6 percent and 25.7 percent, respectively).

Then what is the reason for stress? Most people say they are stressed out because public and private affairs are not separated (58.0%). The second-highest number of respondents said it was because of concerns over privacy exposure or invasion (18.0 percent). If the MZ generation becomes the mainstay of more companies in many years, so it seems a great need of introducing new work messengers instead of ‘KakaoTalk’ is arising in the market.